PaySnap 3 - Quantity

By default, PaySnap assumes all products have a quantity of 1. If you don't add a Quantity Input stack to your product, 1 unit will be added to the cart each time the user clicks the Add to Cart Button. If you want to give buyers the opportunity to add multiple units of a product to their cart, add this stack to your PaySnap Item.

  • Display Label
    If you wish to add a descriptive label to the quantity input box (for example, "Quantity" or "Qty", enable this checkbox and enter your desired quantity input label.
  • Input Type
    Choose what type of input to use to collect item quantity. Choose from Text(Number), Stepper or Dropdown.
  • Values ( if Input Type is not Text )
    Set the minimum and maximum values allowed with your Stepper or Dropdown inputs.
  • Default Value ( if Input Type is Text )
    You can assign a default value to the quantity box. If you sell items that come in pairs, you may wish to make the default value 2.
  • Width
    Set the pixel width of input area.
  • Align
    Set the alignment of input. Choose from Left, Center, Right or Justify.
  • Placeholder
    Displayed in input when no value is entered.

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