PaySnap 3 - Options

If your product(s) have more that one available configuration, the Item Option stack is for you. Add an Item Option stack to a PaySnap Item to give your buyers product options. For example, a user selling a shirt may want to offer items in varying colors and sizes. You can even setup pricing variations on product options. Paysnap offers four types of option inputs, Text, Dropdown (Select), Radios and Checkboxes.

  • Display Label
    When enabled, the option Label  will be displayed. If you don't need to display this, disable the Display Label checkbox.
  • Label
    Name of the option displayed next to the input. If you're soliciting a size selection from the user, you might label the field "Choose Your Size".
  • Label Icon (optional)
    Use FontAwesome 4 icons to embellish your label.
    EXAMPLE: fa fa-user
  • Default Value ( TEXT )
    The value automatically entered in input when the page first loads.
  • Placeholder ( TEXT & DROPDOWN )
    Value displayed inside input when no value is entered / selected.
  • List Horizontal ( RADIO & CHECKBOX )
    Radio button and checkbox inputs are displayed vertically by default. Enable this to display options horizontally.
  • Custom Class
    Add your own custom class to this input.
  • Subtext
    Short description added below the input item.
  • Tooltip
    Include an animated tooltip to your input item
  • Tip Placement
    Designate where the tooltip should originate from. Tooltips can be placed in four different ways in relation to the reference element.
  • Align
    Set the alignment of input. Choose from Left, Center, Right or Justify.

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