Input Packs are highly customized sets of inputs that further extend the type of data your FormSnap forms can collect
- Common Settings
- Add Another
- Agree to Terms
- Credit Card
- Currency
- Rate
- Signature
- Time (Popup) Menu
Common Settings
Settings that are common in almost all FormSnap stacks. Some stacks may or may not have all of the settings below.
This item's name. The item name is used INTERNALLY on the form and templates and should be be alphanumeric ONLY (letters, numbers and underscores allowed). The name must be unique to the form. Duplicate names in the same form will produce adverse effects. -
Display Label
When enabled, the label will be displayed with the input item. -
The label the user will see on the published form adjacent to the input. -
Label Icon
Prepend a Font Awesome (4.7) icon to your label text. Available icons can be found on the Font Awesome web site.EXAMPLE: fa fa-user
Text displayed in the popup menu UNTIL the visitor invokes the popup menu to select a country. -
Short description added below the input item. -
Include an animated tooltip to your input item -
Tip Placement
Designate where the tooltip should originate from. Tooltips can be placed in four different ways in relation to the reference element. -
Tab Index
You can control the tab-through order of fields with tab index. The lower the number, the earlier it will be selected via Tab key. 1 is the first field, assign higher numbers to subsequent fields.
Save Data
Save to MySQL
When enabled, the input's value will be saved to the specified MySQL database ( in Base settings ). -
Save to Google Sheets
When enabled, the input's value will be saved to the specified Google Sheet ( in Base settings ). -
Field Name
The MySQL field name in your database that corresponds to this input.
The column header name in your Google Sheet.
If enabled, this input item is required before form can be submitted. -
Show Required Asterisk
Enable to show red asterisk icon next to label. -
Required Error
Error message displayed when end user fails to complete form item.
Add Another
Add Label
Text used for "Add Another Item" link .EXAMPLE: Add Item
Agree to Terms
Checkbox / Modal combination perfect for collecting term agreements.
Text next to checkbox.
EXAMPLE: I Agree to the Terms of Service
Modal Link
Text used with link that triggers the modal containing the terms text.EXAMPLE: (Show)
ON Value
Value sent with form if marked ON or TRUEEXAMPLE: Yes, I agree
OFF Value
Value sent with form if marked OFF or FALSE
EXAMPLE: No, I do not agree
Terms Title
Text used as the title on modal.EXAMPLE: Terms and Conditions
Required Error
Error message displayed when end user fails to complete form item.
Credit Card
Self validating and formatting Credit Card input for number, expiration date and cvv code.
Number Label
Label Used for Credit Card Number input. -
Exp Date Label
Label used for Credit Card Expiration Date input. -
CVV Code Label
Label used for Credit Card CVV (Security) code input.
Placeholder values for the 3 Credit Card Inputs.
Save Data
Card Number
The MySQL field name in your database that corresponds to the Card Number input.
The column header name in your Google Sheet. -
Exp Date
The MySQL field name in your database that corresponds to the Exp Date input.
The column header name in your Google Sheet. -
CVV Code
The MySQL field name in your database that corresponds to the CVV Code input.
The column header name in your Google Sheet.
WARNING! It is not recommended to save Credit Card information. Use of this input should always be used in a secure environment from start to finish. You are responsible for any data this input collects. Yabdab Inc. accepts no liability.
Currency Symbol
The symbol or text used with the currency. -
Placement (Currency)
Where the Currency Symbol (above) should be placed, before (prefix) or after (suffix) the number. -
The separators used for thousands and decimals.
Star 1 ... 5 Icon
The Font Awesome icons used to make up the 1-5 "stars".EXAMPLE: fa fa-star
Star 1 ... 5 Value
The value that is submitted based on the star/rating selectedEXAMPLE: Poor ... Amazing!
File Save As
- File Name
The name of the file will be saved. If item is saved on server, then timestamp prefix will will be included. - URL
The Full URL tot he image will be saved. This requires Attachment Saving to be enabled in Base Settings. - BLOB
The file's BLOB binary data will be saved. This is only available to MySQL. It will not work with Google Sheets.
- File Name
Time (Popup) Menu
Number of minutes to separate each time choice.
Toolbar Buttons
Editing buttons available for use ion the editor toolbar.
Fore Color
Color of selected text -
Back Color
Color of selected text background -
Ordered List
Insert a numbered list. -
Unordered List
Insert a bullet list. - Horizontal Rule
View HTML (Source)
View the generated HTML code from editor. -
Full Screen
Expand editor to be full screen.