What are Blog Categories?
Categories are for grouping blog posts. Think of them as general topics for your blog. Categories help people understand what your blog is about, and find the right type of content on your site.
- A single category is assigned to a post.
- The post default category is "Uncategorized".
- Posts using a category that is then removed will default back to "Uncategorized".
Add and Edit Categories.
1. At the bottom of Categories, click the blue add + circle.
2. Edit category text.
🎉 Done!
Assign a Post Category.
1. Click the Edit button for a post.
2. Click the current post category, a categories menu will appear.
3. Click to select a category to assign it for that post.
🎉 Done!
Remove a category.
1. In Categories, click X to remove a category.
🎉 Done!