Go features the Cartloom ecommerce addon, for adding a product or a group of products with drag and drop ease.
Don't have a Cartloom account, or want to learn more?
Visit Cartloom: https://cartloom.com
Connect Go to a Cartloom Account
1. Click the User Settings icon.
2. Enter your Cartloom Seller name in the field, then save.
🎉 Done! Let's add a product.
Embed a Product
1. Click the addons icon, then choose Cartloom addon.
2. In the Product ID input, enter a product ID as shown in your Cartloom Product > Manage table.
4. Drag the add + icon to desired content position, then drop.
🎉 Done!
Embed a Product Group
1. Click the addons icon, then choose Cartloom addon.
2. In the Group ID input, enter an ID as shown in your Cartloom Product > Groups table.
3. Drag the add + icon to desired content position, then drop.
🎉 Done!