Blog Settings

Go offers specific Blog settings to help set...

  • Post styling.
  • The post author name.
  • Language translations.
  • Linking to popular social networks.
  • Blog settings are separate from Go Admin Settings.

Edit Blog Settings

1. Click the grey list circle above all post listings.



2. Edit blog settings, and save when done.


Blog Layout: Select the layout style for your blog post list.

Author: Enter the name for who is writting the blog posts.

Categories: Optionally adjust the blog categories title.

Uncategorized: Optionally adjust the blog "Uncategorized" category title.

Social: Optionally adjust the blog social title.

Filler Post Title: Set the default headline text to be shown when adding a new post.

Summary Length: Set the letter count to create your post summary from your full post content.

Social Network URL (Facebook, Twitter, etc): Optionally enter the URL to a social network account. Go will generate a social icon link to the account within the blog sidebar.

Disqus Name: Enter your Disqus account name to enable comments for each post.

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