Get Google API Key for MapSnap

A new pay-as-you-go pricing model is now in effect for Google Maps Platform APIs. Up until now, MapSnap used Yabdab's API Key to make things super easy for our customers. Google's new pricing model increased the rates by 1200%, making it no longer possible for Yabdab to incur the costs of incoming traffic from all MapSnap owners. 

For the above reasons, you will now need to obtain your own Google API Key to use MapSnap.

Get your API key at the URL below:

APIs you will need

Your will want the Maps Javascript, Geocoding and Directions APIs

Enable Billing

You will also need to enable Billing in your Google Developer account. This is need to charge you for your site based on usage and traffic.

Don't worry, individual site(s) will likely cost very little. 


Google References:





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