FormSnap 4 Base
This Stack Element must be on all pages that contain a FormSnap form. This stack sets the forms basic parameters including the receipt email template and text for the form's error messages. Note that this stack contains settings in both the body are of the stack as well as the Stacks HUD. ALL other form stacks must be placed INSIDE the FormSnap Base stack.
- Templates ( Edit Mode - Left )
- Required
- Subject Templates
- Optional
- Receipt
- Security
- reCaptcha v2
- reCaptcha v3
- Cloudflare Turnstile
- Redirect
- Save Data
- String
- Style
- Template
Email Template
This field contains the template for the email that will be sent to the Form's Send To recipient(s) upon successful submission. Customize the text in the template field to meet your needs. This is a styled text field. You can add images to your template and style text with RapidWeaver's styling tools. Simply drag in appropriately sized 72dpi images - they'll be sent as part of your receipt. You can also include field values from the form in the template. We strongly recommend keeping your form item names VERY SIMPLE for this reason. Trust us, simple item names make for MUCH easier template design. Note that item names are only used INTERNALLY on the form. Your visitors will never see them. Get wild with your field labels (the text on the form adjacent to the entry field) but KEEP ITEM NAMES SIMPLE. If you have a field with an item named: email then you'd reference it your template as #email#. If you look at the content area of any form item stack, the item name is displayed at the bottom. Items with spaces will generally have the space replaced with an underscore (ie, your name becomes #your_name# ).Do not use non alphanumeric characters as part of your item name. Keep it simple. A-Z and 0-9. You can also use the following placeholders to collect ip, browser and date info from the sender:
Receipt Template
The receipt template works just like the email template field. However, this template will be used to send a form submission receipt to the form sender. If you DO want to send receipts, make sure you have the Send Receipt checkbox enabled in the FormSnap Base HUD (under Optional Settings).
Control Settings
Send To
Comma separated list of email addresses to send to.EXAMPLE:,,
From Name
The name that will be displayed as the FROM name on the form based email. This is a STATIC VALUE. Field Names not allowed.EXAMPLE: SOME SITE SALES DEPT.
From Email
The email address that will be displayed as the FROM address on the form based email. This is a STATIC VALUE. Field Names not allowed.EXAMPLE:
ReplyTo Item
The item name that will receive the value for the reply-to email address. NOTE: This is JUST the ITEM NAME - NO # symbols required here. JUST the item name of the field that solicits your viewers email address. You should use the name of a field that is a text input set to Type: Email. This will insure that the form validates that the sender is providing a properly formatted email address.EXAMPLE: email
Subject Templates
Create dynamic Subjects for your emails using the subject templates. This allows you to have Subject values based on user input on your form. Just use the placeholders from your form items to create a personal feel to your emails.
Email Template
Subject that will be used on emails sent to the Send To address(es) in Required Settings.EXAMPLE: Email From {{name}}
Receipt Template
Subject that will be used on emails sent to the Reply To address(es) in Required Settings.EXAMPLE: Re: Thanks {{name}} for filling out our form
Enable this checkbox to send via an actual SMTP account. If you leave this option disabled, FormSnap will try and send the message via the web server's implementation of PHP mail(). However.....if your host doesn't have PHP mail() configured correctly or if there is a DNS issue (internal firewall, reverse DNS issue, etc) at your host, it's altogether possible that your form can APPEAR to work, but you'll never receive the message. In addition, if you use SMTP we're able to get much more information on errors if your form is not working as expected. If you have SMTP credentials for an email account you'd like to send mail through, please use SMTP.WARNING! 99% of the issues experienced when using SMTP enabled are directly tied to incorrect values for the settings below. Always make sure you are using correct settings PRIOR to contacting support.
Host Name
Your SMTP server's host nameEXAMPLE:
Host Port
The port your SMTP server accepts connections on. This will probably vary depending on whether or not you are using a secure protocol (see below)EXAMPLE: 25, 465 or 587
Send Secure
If your host supports secure mail connections enable this checkbox and provide prefix information in the next field -
Secure Prefix
If your host supports secure mail connections, select the proper protocol (SSL or TLS). -
Use Authentication
If using SMTP, Authentication must generally be enabled, check this box to enable and provide username/password below. -
Email account username authorized to send mail on the host name provided above -
Password for this email account.
Comma separated list of email addresses to send carbon copy (cc) to. -
Comma separated list of email addresses to send blind carbon copy (bcc) to. -
Email Encoding
If you have a specific encoding requirement or are connecting to an BITMIME SMTP server, you may need to update your encoding selection. The default will work for most users. If your mail host or an application you'll be working with to manage mail specifies alternate encoding, you can select your desired method here. -
Email Charset
If your language utilizes characters not supported by uft-8, which is the default setting, choose a compatible character set from the pulldown menu. -
If you would like to POST Form Data to your own URL for processing (and disregard the FormSnap 3 built in POST system), place the URL here. Using this means that you've written/scripted your own solution on your own server to handle data posted by FormSnap. We're happy to offer advanced users the option to post to their own solution, however, Yabdab support staff can not train or support users in writing their own scripts. This is an ADVANCED FEATURE for experienced web developers that can code. -
Persist Data
Enabling this will persist entered data between page loads. Only after the form is successfully submitted will the entered values be wiped. -
Date Format
The Date Formatting Tokens used to format date values on {{date}} placeholder and Save Data date value. -
The timezone used to calculate all time values with Date Pickers, the {{date}} placeholder and the Save Data date value. See complete list of available timezones here.
Number of seconds before the javascript will time out and give up. Set this higher if your form is seeing "timeout" errors. This can be common if your web host is crappy or the form accepts large file uploads. -
Custom PHP
Add your own custom PHP code into the processing page of FormSnap.
WARNING! This is an ADVANCED USER feature. If you use this feature and your form breaks, then it is up to you to debug. Do not contact our support desk for help.
Send Receipt
If you want to send a receipt to the form sender, enable this checkbox. Make sure you've setup a receipt template in the content area of the FormSnap base stack and have entered a valid item name in the Reply To Item setting in the FormSnap Base HUD. -
Receipt Attachments
Enabling this checkbox will send a copy of any files attached via File Upload stack to the receipt. This way the sender will receive an email back that includes copies of their original file attachments. - Receipt Files(s) (1-5) Attach up to 5 Resource files to receipt attachments. This is a good way to send a PDF to the user automatically upon form submission.
Allowed Files
Pipe delimited list of files types that can be used globally across all File Inputs. Please note that each File Input can have it's own File Type validation, but must still abide by this global setting.EXAMPLE: doc|xls|pdf|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|zip|rar|gz
Word Filter
Pipe delimited list of words that are not allowed to be in any input values. This can be especially good for when a spammer sends spam through your form using a specific word ( for example "Viagra" ). It is also good for preventing spammers from injecting alternative parameters into your form.EXAMPLE: to:|cc:|bcc:|viagra|porn|boobs
Max File Size
The max allowable size of each SEPARATE attachment here. (Note, if you have 3 file attachment fields and specify 10MB as your Max Attachment Size, that means each file may be up to 10MB - - or a total of 30MB for your form. Check with your host or ISP to make sure you don't exceed their maximum attachment size). Keep it reasonable, some hosts will have limitations on file size or # of files that may be attached to script generated mail. If you are receiving form submissions without their attachments, check with your host to see if you can customize the max_post_size in your php.ini -
Blocked Emails
Comma delimited list of email addresses to blockEXAMPLE:,,
Blocked IPs
The block list is a great way to stop spam or malicious submissions through your form. You can add either full or partial IP addresses to the block list. Note that if you add the ip placeholder to your email template, you'll receive the sender's IP for every submission. This is a good way to determine which IP's you may need to block.EXAMPLE: 111.222.333.4444,111.333.222,111.44
CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery)
Create a CSRF token and set it in a PHP Session. This token is then passed with all form submissions to ensure that all form submissions come form your own web site, preventing cross site attacks. -
Honey Pot
A honeypot is a field added to the form that the users can't see due to CSS or JavaScript (which hides the field). Honeypots are awesome because they don't inconvenience users like a captcha and they are a valid tool for thwarting spam bots.
reCaptcha v2
reCAPTCHA is a free service that protects your website from spam and abuse. reCAPTCHA uses an advanced risk analysis engine and adaptive challenges to keep automated software from engaging in abusive activities on your site. It does this while letting your valid users pass through with ease.
Version 2 (legacy) of reCaptcha displays the "I'm no a robot" checkbox. This test requires interaction from the user to prove they are not a bot. This method is well known, and usually frustrating t end-users.
Use reCaptcha v2
Enable reCaptcha v2 on your form. This requires that you include the reCaptcha v2 form item somewhere in your form. It can only be included one time per form. -
v2 Site Key
Public Site Key for your domain. -
v2 Secret Key
Secret key used for your domain. This value is private and should be kept a secret. It is not displayed in your form.
reCaptcha v3
reCAPTCHA is a free service that protects your website from spam and abuse. reCAPTCHA uses an advanced risk analysis engine and adaptive challenges to keep automated software from engaging in abusive activities on your site. It does this while letting your valid users pass through with ease.
reCAPTCHA v3 returns a score for each request without user friction. The score is based on interactions with your site and enables you to take an appropriate action for your site. This method is INVISIBLE and requires NO-INTERACTION from your end users.
Use reCaptcha v3
Enable reCaptcha v3 on your form. This is all you need to do to use reCapctha v3 on your form. -
v3 Site Key
Public Site Key for your domain. -
v3 Secret Key
Secret key used for your domain. This value is private and should be kept a secret. It is not displayed in your form.
Cloudflare Turnstile
Turnstile delivers frustration-free, CAPTCHA-free web experiences to website visitors - with just a simple snippet of free code. Moreover, Turnstile stops abuse and confirms visitors are real without the data privacy concerns or awful user experience of CAPTCHAs.
Use Turnstile
Enable reCaptcha v3 on your form. This is all you need to do to use reCapctha v3 on your form. -
Site Key
Public Site Key for your domain. -
Secret Key
Secret key used for your domain. This value is private and should be kept a secret. It is not displayed in your form.
After form submission, FormSnap will display an on-page message letting the user know if the form has been successfully sent or not. If you would rather redirect to a static success or fail page, enable redirects and choose a page.
Redirect On Success
Enabling this will redirect the end user to a specified page after a successful form submission -
Success URL
Select the URL or Page the end user should be sent to if the form is submitted successfully. -
Redirect on Error
Enabling this will redirect the end user to a specified page after an unsuccessful form submission -
Error URL
Select the URL or Page the end user should be sent to if the form is submitted unsuccessfully.
Save Data
FormSnap is capable of generating forms which not only submit results via email, but also archive form results in a MySQL database and/or Google Sheets. You'll need to get the following information about your database (this is usually available from the company that hosts your site) and/or Google Sheet. As of FormSnap 3 , all MySQL interactions are carried out via PDO.
Save to MySQL
The address of your MySQL server. Default is normally localhost. -
The name of the database to use (some hosts offer multiple MySQL databases) -
You'll also probably want to create a table in your database to separate your Form data from other MySQL data. -
The Username used to connect to your MySQL database server ( provided to you by your hosting company ). -
The Password used to connect to your MySQL database server ( provided to you by your hosting company ).
Save to Google Sheets
Google ID
The Google ID FormSnap needs in order to save data to your Google Sheet. You can find more information on how to find and use this value here. -
Google Tab ID
The Google Tab ID FormSnap needs in order to save data to a specific tab of your Google Sheet.
Save Files to Google Drive
Google Folder ID
The Google Drive Folder ID FormSnap needs in order to save files to your Google Drive.
Save Date
Date Field
This will attempt to save the Date and Time to the designated field name in your database. It is best that you make this field of type DATE/TIME in your database/sheet structure.
Save IP Address
IP Field
This will attempt to save the user's IP Address to the designated field name in your database or column name in your sheet.
Save Browser
Browser Field
This will attempt to save the user's browser type to the designated field name in your database or column name in your sheet.
Save File Attachments
Enabling this feature will tell FormSnap to save all attached files ( submitted via form ) to be saved to your server. All files are saved to the /rw_common/plugins/stacks/formsnap/uploads folder. Each file is named with a prepended timestamp to avoid name collisions and overwrites.
Embed Image Attachments
Embedding an image in an email means inserting the image directly into the body of the email rather than adding it as an attachment. This approach makes the email more visually appealing and ensures that the image is seen immediately when the recipient opens the email.
Embed Method
Remote Link (recommended)
Embedding an image via a remote link involves using the URL of an image hosted on an external server. The email HTML includes a reference to this URL, and the image is fetched from the server when the email is opened.
Content ID
Embedding an image using a content ID involves including the image as an attachment to the email and referencing it with a unique identifier (CID) within the email's HTML. The email client then displays the image inline as part of the email body.
Text values used throughout your form. Here you can localize all messages and labels displayed by FormSnap.
Processing Title
Title displayed on modal when form is processing. -
Processing Msg
Message displayed on modal when form is processing. -
Error Title
Title displayed on modal when an error occurs. -
Default Error
Text to be presented when the form can not be processed. If FormSnap can determine a specific reason (such as invalid file time or validation failure) then those messages (defined below) will be used instead. This is a "general" error message. -
Success Title
Title displayed on modal when form is submitted successfully -
Success Msg
This text will be displayed when a form is successfully submitted and all emails have been generated and sent. If your form is submitting successfully but you don't appear to be receiving any emails, try sending to a local email address - - one that is hosted by the same provider hosting the form page. This will help eliminate spam filtering or DNS issues. -
File Size Error
If you have a File Upload stack on your form, FormSnap will limit files to the size you specify in the HUD for FormSnap Base ->Security Settings. By default this is 10K. The text you enter here will be displayed if a user tries to submit a form with a size larger than your file limit. -
File Type Error
If you have a File Upload stack on your form, FormSnap will limit files to the size you specify in the HUD for FormSnap Base ->Security Settings -> Allowed File Type. Users may ONLY submit files of the type you specify. The text you enter here will be displayed if a user tries to submit a form with a non-allowed file type. -
Question Error
If you have a Security Question stack in your form, then this would be error shown if answer is incorrect. -
Missing Field
The text entered here will be displayed when you have a field(s) marked as required and no value has been supplied by the sender. -
Invalid Email
Email address formatting validation is built into FormSnap. On an input field selected as the REPLY TO item in the HUD of this stack, FormSnap will verify that the input is formatted as an email address (including @ and acceptable TLD extension). -
Title displayed on modal when user is being redirected to new page. -
Message shown to a user blocked due to email address or ip address in your block lists. -
Next Step
Label used inside multi-step form navigation button to got to next step. -
Previous Step
Label used inside multi-step form navigation button to go to previous step. -
Submit Step
Label used inside multi-step form final submit button. -
reCaptcha Error
If you have a reCaptcha enabled, this will be error shown if the test fails. -
Captcha Error
If you have a Captcha stack in your form, then this will be error shown if the test fails.
Settings that control various style elements of your form.
The primary accent color used across all input items. -
Theme Color
If "custom" is selected for the Theme (see above), then this color well will set the theme color used. -
Style Override
Enable to override certain style elements with your own custom settings.-
Label Font
Font Family used on all labels. -
Label Size
Font Size used on all labels. -
Button Font Size
Font Size applied to FormSnap buttons. -
Subtext Color
Text color of all subtexts.
Label Font
Dark Mode
Use a dark mode version of all items. Be careful to only use this if your web page has darker background color. The ideal color would be this hex: #334155 -
Floating Label
Label will "float" inside the input area instead of being positioned above the input. -
Multi-Step Nav
Location of Multi-Step Form navigation. Top, Bottom or Both.
Settings that effect how your email templates are handled. These settings effect the default email / receipt emails as well ( no custom templates used ).
Template Format
Choose the style you want to design your custom email templates. The choices are Styled Text, HTML or Markdown. -
Hide Template Wrap
When enabled, the designed wrapper around the email content is left out. This is ideal if you are designing your own custom layouts or want to return a plain text copy of your email(s). -
Show & Show (more)
Toggle which items you want to show in your emails. Items you can toggle are Logo, Subject, Parent URL ( form page ), Date, Browser and IP Address. -
Color used for links found in your email. -
Logo Image
Image to be used in the Logo position of your emails and receipts. -
Receipt Text
Text included in your receipt emails only. -
Footer Text
Text displayed at the bottom of all emails. -
Hide Email Templates
Checking this checkbox will hide the Templates portion of the UI ion the Edit Mode (on the left ). This is ideal for making a cleaner working surface once you are done configuring your Email? Receipt Templates. -
Show Preview
Toggle the built-in Mail Preview inside of the Stacks Edit Mode pane. This setting has no effect on published content.