Pro Features
- Company Name
Your company name as it will appear in the default email. - Reply-To Email
Your sales email address that will be used in emails. Ideally this email address should be on the same domain as your site. - Web Site URL
This is your website URL that will be used displayed in the default email. - Link Key
Should be set to a unique encryption key that is used to create secure download links. Any random word will do but you must keep this value secret. - PDT Token
see PayPal Setup - Password
The password used to enter the manual order form and view orders page. - Folder Name
Name that is obscure and that cannot be guessed. Your downloadable files will be stored here. - Notification Email
Payloom can send you, the seller, an email each time an order is received. Your can format this email however you like using the Notify Email Template. - Copy of Order Email
The address you want to receive copies of the order emails sent to clients. You can have several email addresses separated by commas if you wish - Debug Email
The address you want to receive detailed debug information related to your Payloom cart. You can have several email addresses separated by commas if you wish. - Download Notify Email
This setting will cause an email to be sent to you each time a download link is used. The email will let you know the original order number, email address item number, item description, filename, IP address, time of download and expiry time of the link. - Error Email
The address you want to receive error notices related to your Payloom cart. You can have several email addresses separated by commas if you wish. - Timezone
Default timezone that should be used with your shopping cart. A listing of properly formatted timezones can be found at - Direct Order Button
The text to be shown on the Direct Order Checkout button. - Enable Direct Order Mode
Allow customers to skip payment authorization and have order processed immediately. This is great for vendors accepting cash or check payments for their wares. - HTML Formatted Email
Specify if you want HTML formatted emails or Plain Text emails sent.
- Company Name
Save your orders to a sepecifed MySQL database. You can then access the data via our provided backend interface OR using your own custom script/app.
- Save to MySQL Database
Enable this feaure if you wish to have all orders saved to a MySQL database. Orders saved can later be viewed using the Pro Admin Page. - Host Address
IP or web adddress to your MySQL database server. The most common is "localhost", but check with your host if you are not sure. - Username
The username used to login to your MySQL server. - Password
The password used to login to your MySQL server. - Database Name
The name of the database you wish to use for saving orders to. - Table Name
The table name you wish to have setup for saving orders to.
- Save to MySQL Database
Creating a Block...
- Click the + symbol in the bottpm left corner to add a block.
- Select the type of block, IP Address or Email Address.
- Type in a value depending on the Type you chose in the step above. Please use valid IP and Email address formatting.
- When you have finished adding blocks, then use the Set... button at the bottom of the page to assign the Block Page the blocked user will see when they are redirected from downloading your product(s).
Error Messages
- Default Error
Generic error message that is shown when errors not assigned occur. - Wrong Amount
Error shown when the total amount fails to match the prices set in Payloom. - Transaction Not Complete
The message shown when a transaction ( you guessed it ) does not have a status of Complete. - Download Permission Denied
The name of the database you wish to use for saving orders to. - Link Expired
Message that is shown when the download link has expired.
- Default Error
- Notify Email
Template used for emails sent to seller/vendor. - Order Email
Template used for emails sent to the customer. - Manual Email
Template used for order emails sent using the Manual/Test Order Form found on the Pro Admin Page. - Return Page
Template used for the return page your customers see after a successful order. This will contain any download links if you are selling digital goods. - Download Page
Template used for display page during download. This is your basic "Download in the Background" page. There may be times when the automatic download will not begin (because of browser security restrictions etc) in which case you can use the template variable#link#
to include the link in the page. - Error Page
Template used for your own error page to match the rest of your site and insert into it a variable placeholder that will be replaced with the error message at run time. To do this simply insert#message#
in the appropriate place inside your template.
- Notify Email
Extra Fields
- Show Extra Fields at Checkout
Enablig this feature will add form inputs the customer can fill in at checkout. This is great for gathering additional information from the customer. - First Name - Telephone
Enable/Disable which input fields you would like displayed at checkout. You can also enter the localized text value that the user will see for each field, as well as, mark if the field needs to be required. - Custom 1 - 4
Same as above , but these will contain any custom data you wish to gather at checkout. - Placeholders
The placeholder text that will be included in the Optional and Required text input fields. - Validation Error
Error text that is shown when a Required or Email input is not valid.
- Show Extra Fields at Checkout
- Enable Stripe
Enabling this will display a button at checkout that will initiate a Stripe ( Credit Card ) button at checkout. - Secret Key
Your secret API key (Test or Live). - Publishable Key
Your publishable API key (Test or Live). - Description
A description of the product or service being purchased. - Panel Label
The label of the payment button in the Checkout form (e.g. “Subscribe”, “Pay {{amount}}”, etc.). If you include {{amount}}, it will be replaced by the provided amount. Otherwise, the amount will be appended to the end of your label. - Button Text
The text to be shown on the default blue button. - Image
A square image of your brand or product. The recommended minimum size is 128x128px. - Requires Zip Code
Specify whether Checkout should validate the billing ZIP code. - Accept Bitcoin
Specify whether to accept Bitcoin in Checkout. - Allow Remember Me
Specify whether to include the option to "Remember Me" for future purchases.
- Enable Stripe
Pro Admin Page
There maybe times when you wish to send a client the download links manually. Perhaps when there is a problem with payment, the original email is not received or because you wish to allow evaluation before purchase. The Pro Admin Page can be used to send the download links manually in this case.
The Pro Admin Page also gives you the option to View Orders saved to MySQL database ( if enabled ).
To display the Pro Admin Page open your browser and go to URL similar to: