Amazon S3 is a scaleable storage system for storing files for delivery.Payloom allows secure access to files stored on S3 thus freeing up your server from storage and bandwidth requirements. S3 is the ideal way to deliver large files (up to 5TB) efficiently and cheaply. Using S3 with Payloom will not use bandwidth on your server when downloading unlike a remote location using http://. Therefore S3 is the recommended way to deliver large files if you can't handle them locally on your own server.
For more information about S3 or to open an account please visit
There are a number of easy to use products enabling you to upload files and access your S3 account like a folder on your Mac.
To setup a download path to use S3 then use a special path like this:-
Notice this path uses the pipe character | to split the various parts.
This tells Payloom that this is an S3 path. This is the access key id provided by S3 when you open an account. This is the secret access key provided by S3 when you open an account. You must not reveal this key.
This is the unique bucket name where you have stored the files. S3 requires all buckets to be lowercase only. The filename to access.
We recommend that you set your bucket to private access only for security. This way only Payloom can access the files.
When a download link using S3 is clicked Payloom is first called to perform checks on the link as usual. If all is well then it generates a secure S3 download link to the file and redirects the browser. The S3 link generated has a short 5 minute expiry time so if it is captured it will not be of much use to anyone.
Using folders in S3
There is no concept of folders in S3 but some S3 file managers like S3fox emulate folders by naming keys (files) like folder/ Payloom can use this same idea as well. If you wish to define the folder name in the File Location then set it like this
If you prefer to include the folder name in the link itself then use
We recommend using lowercase characters only for the folder name.