Cleanup Old FormSnap Files

When we first started offering FormSnap 2, there were many .stack files that needed to be installed. Current version now only use one .stack file. In some cases you may notice issues when you still have legacy .stack files hanging around. Below we are going to tell you the steps to cleanup these up and get everything well.

  1. Open RapidWeaver 6
  2. Click the Addons button at the top left of the window.
  3. Select the Stacks tab.
  4. Right-Click any Stack shown and select Reveal Addon in Finder.
  5. Here you will see many .stack files, Select every FormSnap*.stack file EXCEPT FormSnapBase.stack
  6. Drag all FormSnap stacks to the trash only leaving FormSnapBase.stack
  7. Restart RapidWeaver

This should remove any issues you may be having with the FormSnap stacks.


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