PhotoPile Manual


Drag an instance of PhotoPile  onto any Stacks 2.5+ page.  PhotoPile offers the following setting controls:

  • Photo Count
    Move the slider to control the number of image dropzones in the stack.  Max 40 images/stack
  • Thumb Width
    Define the width of all thumbnail images (images may have varying height, but width will be universal among all image thumbnails)
  • Background
    If an image in the pile contains transparency, the color selected here will be shown as the background in transparent regions.

Best Practices:

Keep It Simple.  Avoid nesting PhotoPile inside other stacks, especially those that display content in a lightbox/modal (since PhotoPile's trying to use a lighbbox too, things may clash unpredictably).  You can utilize a maximum of 40 images per pile, but try to keep it reasonable.  Maximum image width = 800 pixels.

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