Wordpress Stack Documentation

Wordpress stack




Hosted By
Choose how you are hosting your Wordpress blog. The options are Wordpress ( you signed up for a subscription plan from wordpress.com ) or Self Hosted ( you downloaded and installed wordpress on your existing web host ).

Hosted by Wordpress - Site Name
The site name assigned you used to setup your Wordpress.com subscription. 
For Example: Our Wordpress site is yabdab.wordpress.com, so our site name is "yabdab".

Self Hosted - URL
The URL of your self hosted Wordpress site. 
For Example: We installed Wordpress on our web site and the URL is https://www.yabdab.com/blog

Page Type
The type of page we are going to build. The 2 choices are "All Posts" and "Single Post or Page".

All Posts
The page will include a complete list of all published Wordpress posts.

  • Sidebar
    The layout on where you would like the sidebar to be positioned. The sidebar can contain a Search input, Category List and Tag Cloud.  Choose "None" if you do not want to include a sidebar.
  • Date Format
    The date format you would like publish dates. We use the PHP standard date formatting placeholders. For more information on PHP date formatting, please se the following URL. 
  • Show Categories
    Include a full list of Categories in Sidebar.
  • Show Tag Cloud
    Include a list of tags from all your Wordpress posts in Sidebar.
  • Show Search
    Include a search form to find matching posts to be displayed in Sidebar.
  • Show Post/Page Title
    The title of each post or page will be displayed .
  • Show Post/Page Date
    The publish date of each post or page will be displayed.
  • Show Post/Page Categories
    The categories of each post or page will be displayed.
  • Show Post/Page Tags
    The tags of each post or page will be displayed.


Single Post or Page
The page will display the data from a single specified post or page.

  • Post or Page
    Are we displaying a Post or a Page from Wordpress?
  • Post/Page slug
    The identifying slug associated with the post/page that should be displayed. An example slug could look similar to "my-first-post".
  • Date Format
    The date format you would like publish dates. We use the PHP standard date formatting placeholders. For more information on PHP date formatting, please se the following URL. 
  • Show Post/Page Title
    The title of each post or page will be displayed .
  • Show Post/Page Date
    The publish date of each post or page will be displayed.
  • Show Post/Page Categories
    The categories of each post or page will be displayed.
  • Show Post/Page Tags
    The tags of each post or page will be displayed.



Social Sharing

The stack provides a super easy way to share your Wordpress posts using the popular and Free +AddThis service. 

Enable +AddThis Sharing
Click checkbox to enable sharing via the AddThis service.

AddThis ID
The profile ID from AddThis that will be used to share your posts.

Important Note!
When setting up your AddThis profile, you will need to setup a Inline sharing "Tool" inside the AddThis dashboard.




How you would like to style the output of the stack.

How would you like to style the elements output by the Wordpress stack? 

  • Theme - Use the styles set by the selected RapidWeaver theme.
  • Custom - Set specific colors for all elements.

Sidebar Split
Use this slider to establish the width for the sidebar.

Gutter width
The amount of space between the sidebar and the content area.

Stacked Columns
When should the stack display the sidebar and content columns top to bottom, instead of left to right.



Titles & Labels

The text you would like to use for different titles and labels output by the stack. This provides a super easy way to localize the text to suit your needs.

Please Note: These settings only apply if the Page Type ( see above ) is set to "All Posts".



Frequently Asked Questions

Do you provide Support for installing and setting up Wordpress?

No, We do not provide support for setting up self hosted copies of Wordpress from Wordpress.org. You should contact your web host or read the excellent documentation for help with this.


What kind of Wordpress content can I expect to be imported via the Wordpress Stack?

The Wordpress stack uses the Wordpress REST API to display your post and page content. This content is delivered in a rendered format similar to what you would expect from the Styled Text stack.  No external CSS or Javascript is passed to the stack. Wordpress plugins that produce slideshows, calendars or any other complicated purpose will not work in this scenario. So keep it simple and use styled text ONLY in posts and pages you want to display via the stack.


Can I use the WordPress Stack multiple times on the same page?

The answer is Yes and No. 
Yes, you can use it multiple times if you are using the "Single Post or Page" Page Type.
No, you cannot use it if using the more than one "All Posts" Page Type.



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